Expert Second Opinion From USA
Can Change Everything

When facing a serious, life-changing illness, we understand the critical importance of obtaining expert advices. With access to world-class medical experts in the USA, we empower informed healthcare decisions that can profoundly impact your life. We are here to assist you every step of the way, whether you need a second opinion, complex surgical guidance, or an accurate diagnosis. MediPocket USA, your trusted partner, delivers unparalleled expertise from the USA, no matter your location.

World’s Best USA Hospital Our partners in Delivering Expert Medical Second Opinion

When Do You Need A Second Opinion?

There’s a lot to consider when facing a serious illness

Steps to Get Expert Medical Second Opinion From USA

Virtual USA Expert Medical Opinions From Anywhere In The World

#1 Submit Inquiry with Medical Documents

#2 Evaluation & Matching

#3 Payment & Appointment Booking

#4 USA Expert Second Opinion Consultation

#5 Wriiten Second Opinion Report

Steps to Get Expert Medical Second Opinion From USA

Virtual USA Expert Medical Opinions From Anywhere In The World

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Bringing You World’s Leading USA Specialists When You Need It Most

You can use our USA Expert Medical Second Opinion from anywhere in the world as an employee benefit or on an individual self⁠–⁠pay basis.

Global Success Stories: Delighted Patients from Around the World

What is the cost to take USA Expert Medical Second Opinion?

At MediPocket USA, we offer second opinion services from USA experts for a service fee of $250 USD. The service fee is charged upfront, while the consultation fee is paid at the time of appointment booking. The consultation fee is determined by the hospitals and specialists, and it varies based on the type and stage of the disease. Rest assured that we provide this customized service to ensure transparency and meet your specific healthcare needs.

Why choose MediPocket USA to get USA Expert Medical Second Opinion?

MediPocket USA was founded with mission to provide timely access to the best medical minds for you and your family, particularly when facing serious, life-changing illnesses. Our mission is to empower you with the information needed to make informed healthcare decisions that have a profound impact on your life.

“I refused to accept anyone giving up on their medical condition.”

Dr. Priyanka Mathur, Founder & CEO

Witnessing her aunt’s passing and her uncle’s seemingly hopeless case of liver cancer, she challenged the verdict from overburdened systems. Seeking opinions and treatment plans from renowned USA oncologists, she witnessed her uncle’s miraculous recovery. Inspired by this transformative experience, Dr. Priyanka established moves to United States and started MediPocket USA, enabling patients worldwide to access second opinions from the world’s best USA medical experts.

Now, through MediPocket USA, you can gain the same life-saving opportunities by obtaining second opinions from renowned USA medical experts.

From 52 countries patients trust MediPocket USA

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Happy Members


USA Experts


Patient Satisfaction


Access World’s Leading USA Specialists When You Need It Most

For medical conditions like

Cancer (LOGO)

Genetic Diseases





Mental Health

Plastic Surgery


Submit Inquiry For USA Expert Second Opinion

 International Patients and Members can also email their inquiry to

            [email protected] or USA Whatsapp +18182353291

Diseases We Help Treat in the USA:

Accessing Advanced Medical Care with MediPocket USA

Submit Inquiry for USA Expert Second Opinion

MediPocket USA
MediPocket USA