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At MediPocket USA – Cross-Border Care, we are committed to providing exceptional healthcare products and services to enhance your well-being.

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Second OpinionPCOD, Gynecologists
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Like most women, I was suffering silently and spiraling after nearing my diagnosis of uterine fibroids. Thankful that MediPocket... (Read More)
TreatmentPediatric Nasal Reconstructive Plastic Surgery
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Hi, My name is Bhavyashree. I am from India and i am a mother of 3 year old baby, whose name is Keyan. He is having very complex issue regarding nose... (Read More)
Second OpinionCardiologist
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At age 63 years, my husband has got many health conditions such as that one complicating the other. More over during COVID he had a serious episode. Matched aa to the best Cardiologist... (Read More)
Second OpinionChronic Ear Issues, Pediatric
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The first time I used MediPocket and it was terrific. It was simple, quick, and efficient... (Read More)
TreatmentNose job, Plastic Surgery
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I felt very comfortable asking whatever questions I needed. I got connected, had a virtual consultation and then appointments were booked for my nose surgery with the top plastic surgeon of Beverly Hills, California, USA... (Read More)
Second OpinionBronchiectasis, Pulmonologist
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It was extremely helpful. Thanks to MediPocket for considering my mother’s situation and helping out to consult one of the best chest specialists of California, Dr. David from Cedars-Sinai hospital... (Read More)
TreatmentKidney Transplant, UCLA Hospital
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I am from Saudi Arabia and required a kidney transplant. I am a young active man and was devastated with my kidney condition. one of my friends heard about MediPocket at a conference in Dubai... (Read More)
Second OpinionHeart health, Cardiologists
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I am 72 years old with high blood pressure and had an episode of covid-19. I wanted to get a second opinion from the USA specialist on my heart health and to prevent any complications... (Read More)
MediPocket USA
MediPocket USA